Wednesday, October 24, 2007

They think their readers are THIS stupid?

In a truly brazen display of disregard for both the truth and the intelligence of its readers, the New York Post ran this list in its coverage of Saturday's FRC Values Voters Summit. Ron Paul finished 3rd with 15%... but somehow that result doesn't get reported. Considering only on-site voters, of which there were just under 1000, Huckabee was the runaway favorite with 488 votes. Clearly, the Post's list is based on the whole 5,775 votes which included online participants. I think the discrepancy is likely the Post leaving an 'out' for themselves to claim that they just slipped up.
Are they so arrogant at the Post that they think no one will notice or care? Do they not realize how self-defeating a tactic like this will be? I don't live in New York, and I've never read or cared about the Post... but now they've turned me into an absolute anti-Post evangelist! They have just handed their (mis)perceived enemies a heavy club with which to mercilessly beat them.
Take a swing:

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